Of course, every parent wants their child’s screen time kept to a minimum. We purchased an Amazon tablet for our first kid at one year of age, but then when she didn’t take interest, we ended up stashing it away for months. You never want to push television on the kiddos, but there are times it can feel like a necessary evil — temper tantrum ramping up at the restaurant — another hour left in that vacation drive — it could be time to watch something fun and beneficial to development. So, what are the best tv shows for baby development in 2023?
What are the best tv shows for baby and toddler?
Mrs. Rachel, Simple Songs, and Number Blocks are Amy Baby’s recommendations for best shows for younger children.
1. Mrs. Rachel – Songs for Littles
We find our two-year-old learning things we honestly never taught her from our newest family member, Mrs. Rachel. The show is our go-to, especially around holidays or whenever new episodes become available.
Mrs. Rachel is an ex-Kindergarten teacher turned you tube sensation. The show is void of flashes or animations that will disorient your youngster, containing mostly still camera shots of the star herself. The friends on the show are musicians at heart (or in real life), which makes for some great original songs as well as theatrical performances.
Why babies/toddlers should watch it
- Kids learn
- More still camera shots
- Feels like a day at school
- All the favorite songs
- Themes for each episode (great for holidays)
- Actual people (not animated)
- Professional musicians
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2. Simple Songs
Another great option. Simple Songs is just that, straight up songs and nursery rhymes — made simple for kids. It’s almost exclusively animated but also includes puppetry – both very well done. Most songs have a learning aspect to them and are not just goofy time wasters.
Why babies/toddlers should watch it
- Original songs mixed w classic nursery rhymes
- Aesthetically pleasing
- Shorter clips (which can sometimes mean more ads)
- Kids learn and sing along
Pricing Plan
3. Number Blocks
This is a British animated program for preschoolers. As the name states, the show has a focus on numbers — we love the unique and creative way math is incorporated as new characters are introduced. While younger toddlers will still get something out of it, it seems a bit more advanced than the previous two suggestions. Giving young learners a foundational understanding in math can pay dividends once they hit a more organized learning setting.
Why babies/toddlers should watch it
- British voices (something different!)
- Original songs
- Focus on mathematics
- Reoccurring familiar characters/themes
- Grows with child as they grow as learners