Breastfeeding is the most challenging and most rewarding experience for me as a mom. Breastfeeding essentials are key components of the thrilling journey. How hard could it be? Moms had done it for thousands of years. It should be a natural process. In fact, breastfeeding is one of the most frequent things moms complain about, especially for first-time moms.
However, I found that with the right set of breastfeeding essentials, the challenge becomes less daunting. Breastfeeding with my second baby was way easier than with the first baby as I was much better prepared with those breastfeeding essentials. With patience, persistence, and understanding, breastfeeding transforms into an intimate and rewarding bonding experience with your baby. Equipped with these essentials, I hope you too can navigate this beautiful journey with confidence and grace.
What are the breastfeeding essentials?
1. Breastfeeding class
One of the most empowering things you can do as a new mom is to educate yourself. Taking a breastfeeding class can provide invaluable insights into the mechanics of breastfeeding, helping you to understand latching, milk production, and how to tackle common challenges. Most hospitals provide free breastfeeding classes. It’s a great thing to get prepared as a new mom before your due date. My husband came along with me to an hour-long in-person training, it certainly gave us a lot to talk about!
2. Nursing Bras
I learned from my breastfeeding class that you need to wear bras 24/7. You really need a comfortable bra with easy access to nurse. Nursing bras are specifically designed to provide the necessary support for your changing body during breastfeeding. They come with features like flaps or panels that allow for easy access, making breastfeeding more convenient. Good quality, comfortable nursing bras are essential for every breastfeeding mom’s wardrobe. I have used a couple of different brands and styles. My favorite is KinderBravely. I still wear them after breastfeeding! That’s how comfortable they are!

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3. Nursing Dress / Clothes
Do you wear a dress when you are breastfeeding? It sounds like an impossible thing to do. But there is something called nursing dress (clothes). They are designed with discreet openings that allow for comfortable breastfeeding, without sacrificing style. Having a few key pieces of nursing clothes can truly enhance your breastfeeding journey. I wore almost all nursing clothes (dresses) throughout my pregnancy and breastfeeding. Thanks to Seraphine! It provides a wide range of long last stylish, elegant, and comfortable clothes.

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4. Milk Collector
A milk collector, or milk saver, is a handy device that can help you make the most of your breastfeeding journey. As you nurse on one side, the milk collector can be placed on the other side to collect any milk that may naturally leak during the let-down. This means not a drop of your precious milk is wasted. Easy to use and clean, a milk collector is a helpful addition to your breastfeeding essentials. Hakka Ladybug has a good option.

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5. Nursing Pillow
A nursing pillow can make those lengthy feeding sessions significantly more comfortable. They are designed to elevate the baby to the right height for feeding, reducing the strain on your arms, neck, and back. It also frees your hands. You can read a book, have a drink, or shop on your phone for your baby (I did that a lot) while breastfeeding! A nursing pillow can be used for more than just breastfeeding. It can be used as support to help your baby to sit up. It can also be used as a pillow to let your baby sleep on it and sip from a bottle. Boppy and My Best Friend are the best options.

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6. Nipple Cream
Breastfeeding can sometimes be uncomfortable, especially in the early stages. Nipple creams soothe and protect sensitive skin, helping to prevent and heal cracking or soreness. This normally stops after one month. Once your baby’s mouth grows bigger, it will be much easy to have a good latch. You’ll get free samples from the hospital. Those could be enough to last for a month. If not, Earth Mama is a good option.

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7. Nursing Pads
You’ll leak milk during breastfeeding. Nursing pads are lifesavers in preventing milk leakage, and keeping you dry and comfortable. They are available in both disposable and reusable versions. I personally like the disposable ones. The reusable ones are not absorbable enough overnight. You’ll have to wash them very frequently. There are enough things to do to take care of a little baby. This can be avoided by using disposable pads. I like the Hey Mama Nursing Pads. They are so comfortable and absorbable.

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8. Breast Pump
A breast pump is a vital part of your breastfeeding essentials. Even though I don’t like to pump — I personally prefer breastfeeding. But a breast pump allows you to express milk that can be stored and given to your baby when needed. It’s helpful if need some personal time or you’re returning to work. It also helps maintain your milk supply, making it a crucial tool for breastfeeding success.
There are many breast pump options. Normally, your insurance will cover one free breast pump. If you want a different one, they may cover the partial cost. The best bump overall is Spectra. If you have one or more toddlers or kids to chase while pumping, I highly recommend investing in a wearable pump if you can afford it. Another great option is The original Elvie Pump.

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9. Milk Storage Bags
Paired with a breast pump, milk storage bags are a must-have. These handy bags allow you to safely store and freeze your breast milk, preserving its essential nutrients. Always choose BPA-free bags, designed to protect your precious milk from potential contaminants. There are many good options out there. Lansinoh is a popular one.

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10. Hydration and Nutrition
More than 80% of breastmilk is water. It is important of keeping yourself hydrated and well-nourished when breastfeeding. Once you checked into the hospital, you’ll get a huge water bottle filled with water all the time. The interesting thing is that thirst comes with the baby too! I got the water bottle refilled all the time. And that is not normal for me. You can take that huge plastic water bottle home or invest in an insulated water bottle after. It’s a great reminder to stay hydrated.
Besides thirst, you’ll feel hungry all the time during breastfeeding. Always having nutritious snacks with you will help provide the energy you need for milk production. Iron flask is a good option for a water bottle. It comes with different lids.

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11. Nursing Cover
A good nursing cover is a game changer for moms who don’t always want to stay home to breastfeed their babies. It provides a comfortable, discreet space for you and your baby. You can breastfeed your baby at a park, a cafe, or even on a plane. I didn’t use it for my first baby (I didn’t know about it!). It made my breastfeeding experience a lot worse than my second baby. With a good nursing cover, we didn’t change our activity at all. Nursing covers come in a variety of styles, from lightweight shawls to more structured covers with a viewable neckline, so you can keep eye contact with your baby. I found the Cocoon is the best one!

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12. Burp Cloth
I know burp cloth doesn’t sound like a nursing essential, but you should always carry a burp cloth when you feed your baby, regardless of if your preferred method is breastfeeding or bottle feeding. I carry burp cloths with my baby everywhere. Babies spit up during their first 6 to 9 months, or longer. The chance of spit-up is very high right after feeding. With practice, I could perfectly catch some spit-up when I burp my baby after breastfeeding. It saves my clothes, especially when I’m in public. Aden and Anais burp cloth can be used as a bip as well.

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13. Lactation Consultant
Having a lactation consultant to talk to really enhances your breastfeeding experience. These trained professionals offer support, and troubleshooting advice, and can provide personalized guidance based on your unique situation. Whether you’re dealing with latching difficulties, concerns about milk supply, or other breastfeeding issues, a lactation consultant can provide the help you need.
14. Support Network
Last but not least, a good support network is essential. Whether it’s a lactation consultant, your pediatrician, or a group of other breastfeeding mothers, having a supportive community to turn to can make all the difference.
Other Thoughts
Now you are equipped with the breastfeeding essential tools and gears to help you enjoy your breastfeeding journey. It doesn’t mean there won’t be hiccups. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember a happy, relaxing mom helps with milk supply. You’ll also learn and improve from your experience. Here are a couple of things I learned from my experience:
1. Know your baby’s schedule. Try to time it out when you plan for your activity. Make sure you can feed the baby while she is hungry. That means you are not driving. And there is somewhere you can sit to feed your baby.
2. Do some research before you go out. Make sure there is a place you can sit comfortably to feed your baby. Parks, restaurants, and playgrounds are all good options.
3. Always bring extra nursing pads. Everyone’s leakage is different. If you need a new nursing pad, those extras can save you in public.
Wrapping Up
Remember that every breastfeeding journey is unique, and finding what works best for you and your baby is crucial. These breastfeeding essentials can help ensure a smooth, rewarding experience, but ultimately, patience, perseverance, and love are the most important ingredients in your breastfeeding journey.
Whether you’re a mom-to-be planning for breastfeeding or a new mom figuring things out, I hope this guide on breastfeeding essentials will be your handy companion. Here’s to a beautiful journey filled with tender moments and the immense joy of nurturing your precious little one.